As a company, great branding is a secret to being remembered. You want people to remember your logo, your colors, and (of course) your name. Here are 5 tips to help you stand out with your branding.
Think of your business as a person and write it’s life story. This might sound silly at first, but it works. What music would your business listen to? What would it eat, drink, like, etc? Define all aspects of your brand by asking it simple questions. This will make it more relatable as a brand and people will be able to trust it if they can relate.
Know your audience. Who is going to buy your product or service? As soon as you define your audience, define it further. How old is your audience? Where do they shop? What time are they most likely to be online? Your brand should go hand and hand with your audience, so it attracts them. After you know your audience inside and out, you’ll find out how your brand will have a relationship with them. Then, you’ll be able to easily find your target audience, talk to them, and hopefully sell something to them.
See what’s been done and do it differently. Research your competitors to see how they have handled their branding. Then, brain storm new ideas of logos, colors, mascots, marketing material, etc.. Whatever branding approach you take, do something that’s never been seen. This will make you new and different, and you are guaranteed to be remembered.
Make sure all of your print material reflects your brand. Your business cards, letter heads, and envelopes should all have the same feel as your overall brand. This doesn’t mean that you need to have your logo embroidered onto every piece of mail you send out, but figure out how to add a little hint of your business onto everything you make. You can also go the extra mile and do this will your online presence.
Invest in a designer. If you have no creative bones in your body, it will help you and your business to turn to someone else for branding advice or design work. If you know nothing about cars, it would be stupid not to hire a mechanic. As a designer, I’ll tell you it would be a smart investment to hire me for design work. I not only know how to make beautiful designs, but my design work serves as a verb to make your potential customer do something, which will return more profit.
How specific is your branding strategy? If you have any other branding advice, leave it in a comment below. Have any more questions? Message me through Facebook and I’ll be sure to give you an outstanding answer.